err_already_tried=You have already tried this software. err_email=Your payment succeeded, but it was not possible to send an e-mail to {0}. Please contact with your payment details. Include your order id {1}. err_email_trial=It was not possible to send an e-mail to {0}. Please contact if you think this is an error. err_invalid_client_request=The client application request is invalid. err_invalid_user=Either the username or the password is wrong. err_missing_client_id=Missing parameter client_id. err_missing_redirect_uri=Missing parameter redirect_uri. err_missing_response_type=Missing parameter response_type. err_payment_failed=The payment failed. err_payment_server=Can't connect to payment server. err_positive_number=Should be greater or equal to one. err_required_field=This field is required. err_send_feedback=There was an error while sending your feedback. Please try again later. err_vat_mismatch=The VAT-number is not from your country. err_vat_number=The VAT-number is invalid.